Change Comes to Annica

DSC_0001 copyIn the midst of Winter, activities in the Garden are limited to dreamy walk-abouts in watery sunshine on days that are slightly less cold. We watch the weather closely to take advantage of the rare day when the temperature rises to levels comfortable for doing necessary winter chores, such as pruning fruit trees and clearing away debris. This is also the time we formulate our plans for the coming seasons of growth and harvest: what to plant, when to plant, the arrangement and succession of plants in the kitchen garden, and such.

This year, we have much more to think about in regards to the over-all plan and structure of the Garden. Mother and Annie have been making some dramatic changes here, beginning last June. Their activities in the metaphysical plane have had major consequences here in the physical. Those of you who have read The Diary oDSC09318f Mary Bliss Parsons, volumes 1, 2, and 3, and have followed us on Facebook are aware of the significance of the Garden, in general, and of the Linden tree, in particular. The Garden is where the spiritual world and the physical worlds come together, boundaries blurring. One can sense, or even see the Cosmic glow, and hear the Creation Frequency. It was in this Garden, under the nurturing, protective umbrella of the Linden Tree, that Mary and Annie brought DH to full awareness, and revealed to him the Great Plan.

The Linden Tree is central to the Garden. In Summer, the space beneath its branches is a cool grotto, like a chapel hidden in the woods. In Winter, the bare branches arch over a carpet of soft moss, brilliant green between patches of thin snow. In all seasons, the Linden stands sentinel over Annica, physical and metaphysical.DSC05798

One night last June, a brief, intense storm brought the Linden Tree down. We were devastated. Not only had this magnificent Being been laid flat, but it appeared to have crushed everything beneath it. It wasn’t until several weeks later, after the debris was cleared away and we could see the full extent of the damage that we began to understand what really happened.

First of all, in spite of the immense weight of trunk, branches and leaves that fell across the Garden, NOT ONE OTHER plant or shrub was lost. Several mature specimens were broken to the point that we thought they would not recover, but as the Summer days went by, they regained nearly all that had been lost! Additionally, a number of perennials responded to the “pruning” and increase in sunlight with increased vigor and bloom.

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Most of the rest of the Summer was spent cleaning up around the edges. Except for a few small changes, the space occupied by the Linden was left alone. You see the tree wasn’t totally gone. It remains as a Presence in the metaphysical world, its branches radiating energy with greater vigor than when it existed in the physical.

The storm was sent by Mother to release the energy of Annica to the wider world. The time of nurturing and quiet, inward growth is past. I am excited about what the coming months have in store for the Garden and for the Bliss-Parsons Institute.DSC01036DSC07627

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