Great Expectations

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

 March CloudsMarch is almost over, but Winter is reluctant to give up its hold on the land, while Spring is equally determined to take its place. Even though the lines of battle seem to shift moment by moment, between cold windy shadows and and soft sunny stillness, there are clear signs that Spring will soon be victorious: Continue reading

Under the Rivers of the Air

Spring Storm CloudsThe Gardens of Annica are situated mid-continent; far from any ocean, yet feeling the energy of three; neither Hill nor Plain, North or South, East or West. The place occupied by Annica on the ground is under a pivot point in the atmosphere above. Use your Mind’s Eye to see the undulating rivers of the Air—the eddies of warm and cold spinning as they drift from East to West. Continue reading